Daddy’s 60th!

Tomorrow my Dad turns 60! This evening we surprised him with a birthday celebration at one of our favorite steakhouses, Flemings! We went around the table and shared some of our favorite memories of my Dad, it was so great to hear all of the stories my aunts told; like that time when my dad was supposed to be DJing my aunts wedding and instead pre-recorded an hour long mix so he could sneak away and make out with my mom in the back stairwell, weird but awesome at the same time.  It wasn’t all jokes though, he has made such an impact on all of our lives and it was so nice to take the time and reflect on that!  At dinner I shared some silly moments but I would like to take a second to let the world know how amazing my Dad is..

Daddy, Dad-o, Live Wire, Happy Birthday! I know I’ve only been around for 24 of them, but I can say with confidence that you have brought so much joy to so many people throughout your life and that is evident from not only the stories I have heard this evening, but the stories I have heard and been a part of throughout my whole life.  Thank you for being there for me, understanding me, fixing everything that’s broken (hearts and devices), sharing your successes and failures and leading by example, putting your families needs before your own, and being more than I could ever hope for in a father.  I hope you enjoyed tonight, you deserve the best (celebration and steak!).  I love you, Dad!

60th birthday's are perfect for homemade sparkly cards

60th birthday’s are perfect for homemade sparkly cards


Coloring eggs, still one of my favorite things to do

cheer dad

Cheer Dad

Mexico 2011 dad

Mexico 2011 – the wonders of a spray tan

Spending time with family, the people who have loved me unconditionally for 24 years, the people who often know me better than I know myself, makes my heart feel so full and I am grateful for every second I spend with them.  Tonight my sister talked about the day our Grammy passed away (and the day before sweet baby Bryan was brought into our lives), they we’re in the car heading home from the hospital when George Strait – “The Breath You Take” came on…

But life’s not the breath you take
The breathing in and out
That gets you through the day
Ain’t what it’s all about

You just might miss the point
Trying to win the race
Life’s not the breaths you take
But the moments that take your breath away

Our Dad pointed the song out and it helped the two of them through what was an extremely heartbreaking time.  I lead such a busy life that sometimes I get so caught up in “what’s next” that I don’t take the time to treasure the now, to be present, to enjoy the journey, I so needed this reminder tonight.

It was a nearly perfect night, we we’re just missing one tiny/not so tiny thing – little bro.  He’s in LA enjoying the sun while we freeze here in Boston :P.

Daddys Girls

Daddy’s girls!

Thanks for celebrating my dad with me!